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Anxiety and related factors among primary health workers in Minas Gerais, Brazil

What is it about?

The study analyzed generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) symptoms in PHC professionals during the Covid-19 pandemic in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Findings revealed a high prevalence (32.2%) of GAD, with female gender, previous symptoms, and current anxiety as associated factors. Actions promoting mental health education and support are crucial for professionals' well-being.

Why is it important?

This study on generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) symptoms among primary healthcare professionals during the Covid-19 pandemic is crucial. It highlights the mental health challenges faced by frontline workers, aiding in the development of targeted interventions to support their well-being. Understanding the prevalence and associated factors of GAD symptoms offers valuable insights for policymakers and healthcare organizations to improve support systems and ensure the resilience of the healthcare workforce, ultimately benefiting both healthcare providers and patients.

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Fabrício Emanuel Soares de Oliveira
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