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Impact of Active Breaks on Health and Work Productivity

What is it about?

The primary objective of the research project was to examine the effect of an active break program, structured based on theoretical behavior change models. It focused on evaluating how this program influenced three fundamental aspects within the work environment: the health of the workers, their productivity, and the psychosocial climate in the workplace.

Why is it important?

The significance of this research lies in its multifaceted impact on the workplace. It explores the benefits of active break programs on employee health, potentially reducing sedentary-related illnesses and enhancing overall well-being. Additionally, it investigates the correlation between physical well-being and increased productivity, suggesting that such programs could lead to more efficient and effective work output. The study also delves into the improvement of the psychosocial climate at work, which encompasses social interactions and mental wellness and could lead to greater job satisfaction and reduced stress. Furthermore, it validates theoretical behavior change models in practical settings, offering valuable insights for future occupational health policies. Ultimately, this research could guide companies in implementing strategies that foster a healthier, more productive workforce, addressing the challenges of modern sedentary work environments.

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María Marín Farrona
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