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New and emerging occupational health and safety risks

What is it about?

Working life has evolved because of, for example, industrial revolutions, changes in demographic structures, climate change and different forms of work. It is expected that the development affects also occupational health and safety (OHS) and brings new opportunities and challenges. This paper examines the new and emerging OHS risks with an interesting twist: what was considered as new OHS risk before 2000 and what from 2020 onwards? In the paper, similarities and differences in the OHS risks are discussed alongside with OHS management suggestions.

Why is it important?

Our findings show that similar new and emerging OHS risks were discussed in both time periods and that differences are due to speciļ¬c time-related cases, like climate change and COVID-19 now and like for instance HIV in the past. This study supports the view that changes in work are constant and that there are some issues irrespective of time that should be considered from the OHS management perspective. In order to prevent the negative OHS effects, it is necessary to recognize the new and emerging risks and manage them.

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The following have contributed to this page:
Maria Lindholm
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