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burnout levels of healthcare employees

What is it about?

BACKGROUND:The high prevalence, severe contagious nature, and associated morbidity and mortality rates of COVID-19 increased the demand for healthcare and social care services worldwide. No doubt, the COVID-19 pandemic affected frontline healthcare employees the most. OBJECTIVE:The purpose of the present study was to examine the burnout levels of healthcare employees and related factors during the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey. METHODS:The descriptive, cross-sectional study was completed with 478 healthcare professionals. The study’s sampling included all healthcare professionals who were actively working in Turkey during the COVID-19 pandemic and agreed to participate in the study. The study data were collected through the internet (online) between 10.05.2021 and 10.08.2021. The Healthcare Staff Information Form and Maslach Burnout Inventory were used to collect the study data.

Why is it important?

It was determined that healthcare professionals in Turkey experienced moderate levels of burnout in terms of emotional burnout and desensitization, and high levels of burnout in terms of personal achievement.

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