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Insights on just culture from seafarers and shipping companies in Indonesia

What is it about?

The study examines how seafarers and shipping company representatives in Indonesia perceive and implement pre-requisites for a just culture, including ease of reporting, motivation to report, and trust. The data shows that shipping companies in Indonesia receive one to two near-miss reports per month, indicating existing conditions for ease of reporting. However, some incidents are underreported. Seafarers face serious risks when reporting safety events due to the blame culture and lack of feedback or action from the company. This leads to a lack of motivation among senior officers. The reporting process is hindered by the hierarchical system and the anxiety and fear of the crew. This can make individuals reluctant and uncomfortable expressing their arguments freely. Certain Indonesian shipping companies lack understanding of the concept of a just culture, which is hindered by hierarchical structures, a blame culture, frequent crew changes, and a lack of anonymous reporting for safety concerns.

Why is it important?

The study found that there is no evidence of a just culture in Indonesian shipping companies, as near-miss reporting is mandatory but lacks a structure for quality reporting and feedback

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Ade Mardani Putra
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