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A guide to create personalized assistive technology

What is it about?

Background: Many different models and tools exist to help persons with disabilities choose the right assistive technology (AT). While these resources consider the user's needs and abilities, they often lack specific guidance on how to tailor AT to individual situations. Objective: This study aimed to create a step-by-step guide for developing personalized AT solutions. It's based on the experiences of a team that has been helping persons with disabilities for over 20 years. Methods: We asked 81 people who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems to try out our new approach. We collected both quantitative and qualitative data to understand how well it worked. Results: We developed personalized AT solutions for 56% of the participants. These solutions helped persons with disabilities do things more easily and improved their overall well-being. Families and caregivers also played a key role in supporting these users. Conclusions: Our guide provides a clear and practical way to develop personalized AT solutions. It can help individuals and teams create technology that truly meets the needs of people with disabilities.

Why is it important?

This article highlights the importance of personalized assistive technology for persons with disabilities. By providing a step-by-step guide, it empowers professionals to create tailored solutions that improve the quality of life for many.

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Diego Beltramone
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