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The role of new technologies in urban tourism post-urbicide in the western Balkans

What is it about?

the war in Ukraine has awakened painful memories of the wars in the former yugoslavia. These wars, considered as inter-ethnic genocides and the desire to destroy the civilizational vocation of cities, had the effect of a long siege of 4 years for Sarajevo between 1992 and 1995 and the NATO bombings in 1999. what role plays and can play new technologies in tourism in this process of urban, memorial and civilizational reconstruction

Why is it important?

new technologies in general, but also in tourism, play an increasingly prominent role in towns and cities. We see in our research that the smart city is becoming an increasingly widespread standard to improve the living comfort of locals. tourism is part of our lives and contributes to trade and the prosperity of a city and a country. In the Balkans, technologies in tourism are still in their infancy, between the desire to enter the EU and institutional and nationalist confrontations.

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Cyril Martin-Colonna
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