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Guidelines for preserving skin integrity in spina bifida

What is it about?

The guidelines for integument care provide a rational and comprehensive approach to the prevention of skin integrity issues in the spina bifida population. Given the large number of people with spina bifida who present with a pressure injury, prevention is a priority [20]. These guidelines provide a rational and effective approach to preventing or minimizing integument issues.

Why is it important?

Skin-related issues have a significant impact on health, activities of daily living, and quality of life among people with spina bifida. Data presented by select clinics that participate in the National Spina Bifida Patient Registry reported that 26% of individuals had a history of pressure injuries with 19% having had one in the past year. The spina bifida community lack direct guidelines on prevention of these and other skin related issues. The Integument (skin) Guidelines focus on prevention, not treatment, of existing problems.

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patricia Beierwaltes
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