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Knowledge, frequency consumption of fruit and vegetable by adolescents’ in Ain Temouchent, Algeria

What is it about?

In adolescence, it's important to eat well because it can influence our eating habits later in life. We wanted to find out how often teenagers in Ain Temouchent, Algeria, eat fruits and vegetables and what they know about them. We asked 103 teenagers (48 boys and 55 girls) between 12 and 18 years old about their eating habits from February to April 2022. On average, they had a BMI of 23.2, which is considered overweight. We found that both girls and boys didn't eat enough fruits and vegetables, and most of them didn't know much about the nutrition in these foods. In conclusion, this study shows that teenagers in Ain Temouchent don't eat many fruits and vegetables, and they lack knowledge about their nutritional value in their daily diet.

Why is it important?

The study employed a targeted approach, centering on adolescents residing in Ain Temouchent, located in Western Algeria, during a specific time frame. It placed special emphasis on evaluating their fruit and vegetable consumption habits and their knowledge concerning this matter. Additionally, the study's outcomes shed light on health-related concerns pertaining to these adolescents.

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