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What is it about?

The impact of deep space cosmic rays on food resources is as important as the risks of cosmic rays to the human body. In this study neutrons as secondary radiation in deep space spacecraft are shown to cause oxidative modification of protein. Neutrons with energies from 1 MeV to 5 MeV with doses from 0.01 Gy to 4 Gy were irradiated by the RIKEN accelerated-driven neutron source (RANS) on meat samples. The modification products of the proteins by oxidative nitration, 6-nitrotryptophan (6NO2Trp), was detected in the protein of meat sample with neutron dose-dependent.

Why is it important?

This study is extremely important not only as a risk factor for manned space exploration but also as a fundamental effect of radiation on the components of the human body.

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Machiko Hatsuda
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