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What is it about?

In industry, for the quality inspection processes, acceptance sampling plans proved to be economically viable, but the unpredictability of the plan’s characteristics made the use of conventional acceptance sampling plans less reliable. The generalized fuzzy multiple deferred state sampling plan (GFMDSSP) is suggested in this study for qualities that consider the difficulty in calculating the precise value of the percentage of defectives in a batch. The strategy is created with a minimal average sample size in mind and the performance measures are determined. Analysis of the impact of inspection errors on the sampling process reveals a decline in plan acceptance standards that is correlated with escalating inspection errors. This plan proved to be efficient in reliability testing compared to the existing plans.

Why is it important?

Statistical quality control techniques are essential for industries and production research. Our research aims to develop economically viable quality control plans for industry, with a focus on reduced errors.

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Julia Thomas
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