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Mining high utility itemsets using Optimization Algorithms

What is it about?

This article discusses about the novel approach to mine interesting itemsets from transaction databases using optimization algorithms. Mining high utility itemsets (HUIs) from transaction databases is one of the current research areas in the data mining field. HUI mining finds itemsets whose utility meets a predefined threshold. It enables users to quantify the usefulness or preferences of products by utilizing different values. Since utility mining approaches do not satisfy the downward closure property, the cost of candidate generation for HUI mining in terms of time and memory space is excessive. This paper presents Genetic Algorithm based Particle Swarm Optimization (GA-PSO), which can efficiently prune down the number of candidates and optimally acquire the complete set of HUIs. and optimally acquire the complete set

Why is it important?

This work is useful for taking effective decisions for improving the profit and target marketing.

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Kannimuthu Subramanian
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