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Secure personal health records data sharing on the cloud server

What is it about?

Personal health records sharing scheme based on B+ tree data structure and attribute- based signcryption scheme for data privacy, query result integrity, unforgeability, blind keyword search, and fine-grained access control.

Why is it important?

This article is important because it seamless integrate cryptographic mechanisms on an ideal scenario. The data owner can provide fine-grained access to outsourced data, sign the ciphertext with attributes without disclosing his or her identity, and provide a means for data users to verify the genuineness of query results. Also, the data owner can remotely modify the database and verify that the cloud server has executed the data modification command correctly. Compared to the traditional encrypt-then-sign or sign-then-encrypt technique, attribute-based signcryption can provide fine-grained access control and ciphertext unforgeability with minimum computation cost and communication overhead.

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The following have contributed to this page:
Abla Smahi and Isaac Obiri
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