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Associations of allostatic load with cognitive function

What is it about?

Allostatic load (AL) is a multi-system measure of physiological dysregulation considered a proxy for chronic stress exposure. Previous research has shown that higher allostatic load is associated with poorer global cognition in older non-Hispanic white adults. However, few studies have examined these associations in middle-aged and older US-based Hispanic/Latino adults. The aims of this study are to examine the associations of allostatic load with level of cognition, performance in cognition 7 years later, and change in cognition over 7 years among middle-aged and older Hispanic/Latino adults living in the US.

Why is it important?

Our findings extend previous evidence in predominantly older non-Hispanic white cohorts to show that allostatic load is related to level of and change in global cognition (as well as tests of word fluency and digit symbol substitution) among middle-aged and older US-based Hispanic/Latino adults.

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Mayra Estrella
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