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White Matter Hyperintensity Dynamics Changes: Multi-Site Validity Study.

What is it about?

White matter hyperintensities (WMH) are dynamic over time, demonstrating increasing, decreasing, or stable volumes. Prior work has detailed a protocol for assessing such dynamic changes over periods as short as one year. The current study investigated instrumental validation of this biomarker protocol in regard to test-retest, and cross-site inter-rater reliability in the NINDS-funded MarkVCID consortium.

Why is it important?

The study offered validation for the longitudinal changes in white matter hyperintensity growth and regression. This validation is crucial as it underscores the reliability and reproducibility of the protocol employed. The presented data not only verifies the robustness of the methodology but also illustrates its clinical significance in tracking longitudinal delayed memory performance. This positions the protocol as a promising and potential biomarker for clinical trials addressing vascular cognitive impairment and dementia (VCID).

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Ahmed Bahrani
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