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MCI can be detected by blood homocysteic acid level.

What is it about?

MCI blood biomarker is blood homocysteic acid (HCA) level. More over 0.2 uM of HCA suggests brain hippocampal activity seems to be breaking.

Why is it important?

Alzheimer's disease is now increasing unexpectedly higher and at present we have no idea to treat or cure this disease. Only we can stop or cure this disease at earlier stage of it. How can we detect this earlier stage of AD? We found the blood HCA level can be strong biomarker of earlier stage, MCI, which can be detected by ELISA method and 0.2 uM is cut off value. Over 0.2 uM HCA indicates MCI stage starts. We have to decrease blood HCA level by the exercise or some effective supplement.

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Tohru Hasegawa
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