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QSM with 7T MRI in AD

What is it about?

Post-mortem human Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and healthy control (HC) frontal gray matter (GM) was imaged with 7T MRI which resulted in T1 maps and QSM. Aβ plaque load was determined by histopathology. In vivo, 10 Aβ PET-positive AD patients and 10 Aβ PET-negative HCs underwent 7T MR examination and QSM maps were analyzed. Severity of cognitive deficits was determined by MMSE.

Why is it important?

Post-mortem, the susceptibility of Aβ plaque-containing GM were higher than those of Aβ plaque-free GM. In vivo, only the bilateral globus pallidus showed significantly higher susceptibility in AD patients compared to HCs. The pallidal QSM values were negatively correlated with those of the MMSE.

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Solveig Tiepolt
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