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Effect of force adjustment modalities on characteristics for force generation and relaxation

What is it about?

Voluntary movements are controlled in various conditions based on subjective sensorimotor parameters. Accuracy in precisely controlling one’s movements according to the purpose and situation by adjusting the direction, velocity, and magnitude of the force plays a vital role in motor control. With an emphasis on the direction of the force, it is also important to ensure well-coordinated control of both force generation (muscle contraction) and relaxation (muscle relaxation). Performance characteristics, such as accuracy and quickness, may vary depending on the adjustment modality (i.e., how the force is controlled) in both force generation and force relaxation. This study aimed to investigate the differences in force control characteristics between peak and keep adjustment modalities during force generation and relaxation tasks, with an emphasis on studying force relaxation control characteristics.

Why is it important?

Previsou study have reported that characteristics depend on contraction types and that the accuracy for the requested contraction level was greater under the tonic contraction than under the ballistic one. However, it is still unclear whether the adjustment modality (i.e., how the force and the outcome of muscle activity are controlled) affects the characteristics of accuracy or quickness in force relaxation.

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Chiaki Ohtaka
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