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What is it about?

This article aims to gain insight into and provide a deeper understanding of the correlation between counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs) and psychological contract breach (PCB). PCB stands for perceived breach of contract, which refers to employees' perception that their employer has not fulfilled their assigned obligations. Furthermore, it investigates the role of organizational cynicism (OC) as a mediator in this connection. Organizational actions that lead employees to feel unsupported or undervalued exacerbate negative emotions and actions. Survey data from higher education sector in Egypt.

Why is it important?

In addition to lowering employee dissatisfaction and boosting morale, productivity, and staff retention, the study offers actionable strategies for achieving these goals. Furthermore, it improves the general understanding of organizational behavior by providing suggestions for effectively controlling employee views and actions. It also provides realistic guidance for academic administrators, which is a significant benefit. When it comes to the higher education sector, it also offers useful insights and remedies that have the potential to improve workplace dynamics and organizational outcomes, as well as comprehensive long-term strategies and initiatives to attract and cultivate innovative talents at all levels of the organization and recognize and incentivize their contributions.

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