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What are your chances of experiencing technostrain as an ICT based mobile worker?

What is it about?

If information communication technology (ICT)-induced demands threaten mobile managers working remotely they experience a lot of technostrain. Technostrain in turn can reduce well-being and productivity outcomes at work. However, this research show that even if some managers have a predominant threat framing, those who have a positive emotional attitude towards ICTs in general, tend to experience less technostrain. Further, if managers have both an opportunity frame and a positive emotional attitude towards ICTs in general, their chances of experiencing technostrain are minimal.

Why is it important?

Due to COVID-19, even predigital organizations have started to consider ICT based mobile working as a new norm. Thus technostrain experienced due to such heavy reliance on ICTs, increased technological demands and invasion perceptions can negatively impact a large majority of employees. Thus, it is important to understand the factors that can contribute to the better adaptation of techno-stressors at the employee level. Lack of employee well-being is detrimental to organizational maintenance and sustainability, hence the topic is central to the management of information systems, with implications to human resources.

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Anuragini Shirish
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