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A new defining method for languages with fixed number of blocks of specific structure.

What is it about?

Some artificial languages made of blocks of specific structure, e.g., the hyper-text markup language (HTML) consists of tag separated blocks. We use a matrix whose rows correspond to letters and columns correspond to parts of a word with specific structures. A word matrix rewriting rule replace a matrix for another matrix. A word matrix rewriting system consists of a set of rewriting rules and a matrix which is the starting matrix. The system makes a set of matrices by repeating application of rules to the starting matrix. The generated matrices are interpreted as a set of words. We investigated several properties of the languages generated by word matrix rewriting systems.

Why is it important?

Word matrix rewriting systems can be viewed as partially regulated and parallel language generating system. There are a number of researched in this direction. But word matrix rewriting systems are different from all preceding systems. Word matrix rewriting systems may be applied to analyze languages with blocks of specific structures.

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The following have contributed to this page:
Raj Kishor Bisht and Taishin Nishida
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