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How long and by which means does TENS relieve debilitating lower back pain?

What is it about?

Globally, chronic low back pain (CLBP) is a well-recognised cause of disability with a resultant reduction in the quality of life of those who experience it. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a promising non-pharmacological modality for the management of chronic low back pain (CLBP), but its efficacy and mode of action have not been clearly established.

Why is it important?

This study found that TENS application significantly reduces lower back pain for 1 hour with residual effects extending up to 24 hours. We also observed that the group that received fake TENS reported a little improvement due to the psychological effect. Our study could not link the pain relief from TENS to changes in blood chemicals, we think the effect was a result of transient nerve block.

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Ogochukwu Onyeso
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