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A Review of Smart Home Technology by Dr N.A.Daruwala & Dr Ursula Oberst

What is it about?

Smart Home Technology (SHT) includes automated household appliances, and research in this field has increased greatly over the last decade. To address concerns about low adoption rates and unanswered questions about acceptance, researchers undertook a systematic review of existing literature to identify patterns and develop a hypothetical model. The most commonly applied model was the Technological Acceptance Model, and compatibility and perceived usefulness were the most important variables. The review also noted the importance of non-Western research and the use of sales and market share as metrics for acceptance. The study offers insights for future research and development efforts.

Why is it important?

A systematic review of smart home technology is important because it provides a comprehensive and objective analysis of the available research on a particular topic. In the case of smart home technology, a systematic review can help identify the most effective technologies, as well as any potential limitations or risks associated with their use. By conducting a systematic review, researchers can collect and analyse data from a wide range of studies, ensuring that the review is both rigorous and unbiased. This can help to identify any gaps in the current research, highlight areas that require further investigation, and ultimately, inform the development of new technologies and policies. Furthermore, a systematic review of smart home technology can help users make informed decisions about which technologies best suit their needs and circumstances. It can provide insights into the benefits and drawbacks of different systems, and identify any potential health, privacy, or security concerns that need to be addressed. Overall, a systematic review of smart home technology is important because it helps to ensure that these products and services are developed, implemented, and used in a way that maximizes their potential benefits and minimizes any potential risks.

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Neil Daruwala
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