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Fuzzy model based optimal control for continuous line

What is it about?

The main aim is to demonstrate the application of the fuzzy logic (the proposed fuzzy model of con-trolled system) in non-analytical, fully computer-supported design of a continuous line optimal PI controller parameters involving minimal demand for detailed data on the controlled technology.

Why is it important?

The method of optimal controller design on basis of the CL fuzzy model is suitable for nonlinear sys-tems, systems with transfer lag, complex systems, etc., the analytical model of which would in practice be very difficult to apply, or the concrete parameters of which would be hard to obtain by analysis. The method described enables us to choose vari-ous optimality criteria or their combinations, which can, according to the particular requirements, be related to dynamics, power efficiency, or also opti-mized for the determined operational cycle of the line which is a major advantage from the practical point of view. For example, the selection of a suita-ble energetic optimality criterion can bring about marked energy savings.

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Daniela Perdukova
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