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A research on person re-identification task

What is it about?

Person re-identification (ReID) is a crucial task in identifying pedestrians of interest across multiple surveillance camera views. ReID methods in recent years have shown that using global features or part features of the pedestrian is extremely effective, but many models do not have further design models to make more reasonable use of global and part features. This research will take an in-depth examination of the above aspects.

Why is it important?

Compared with pedestrian detection tasks, the research on person re-identification tasks is still immature. Still, scholars have focused on the person re-identification problem as early as 1996. Since the concept of person re-identification was first proposed at CVPR in 2006, related research has been emerging. The person re-identification task is another primary computer vision complex problem after the face recognition task.

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The following have contributed to this page:
Qingwei Tang
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