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Mathematically investigating which metal subgenres are more or less popular in different countries

What is it about?

What metal subgenres are popular in which countries? We used statistical methods to determine the answer to this question, using data from two popular heavy metal websites. We used "number of bands of that nationality and subgenre" to measure the general popularity of a subgenre in a country. Unsurprisingly, we found that Death metal was the most popular subgenre in Sweden and Black metal was the most popular in Norway. However, surprisingly, we found that Black metal was preferred over Gothic metal in Germany.

Why is it important?

While subgenre prevalence, classification, and history has been widely discussed qualitively, very few people have applied mathematical methods to any prevailing questions in heavy metal ethnography. What with the increasing importance and availability of big data, these mathematical approaches have the potential to give us useful and interesting insights.

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MaryLena Bleile
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