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How Jewish metal artists construct their identity, and the the importance of the Holocaust to it.

What is it about?

The Shoah is an historical event that leaves its marks on Jewish memory and thought to this day. Broadly speaking, there are two lessons of the Shoah: a particularistic one ‐ relevant to Jews only ‐ and a universalistic lesson, for all peoples. This article examines how the memory of the Shoah and these lessons contribute to the formation of Jewish identity. Works considering the Shoah of three metal bands with prominent Jewish members will be used: one Israeli-Jewish band ‐ Salem; and two multireligious American bands ‐ Anthrax and Disturbed. I will start by analysing songs about the Shoah and continue with a broader look at their entire catalogues and interviews. The ideas expressed will be understood on the background of theories considering Jewish identity and metal music and culture. This qualitative research is therefore grounded in the methodology of the history of ideas.

Why is it important?

Jewish identity is a complex issue, usually analyzed by readings of philosophy, theology and "high" art. My research takes a close look on what is considered to be one of the "lowest" arts - heavy metal music. One of this genre values is authenticity and openness, which allows complex ideas to be presented not only through artistic outlets, but also by means of lengthily sincere interviews and social media activity - from which discussions of social and political issues are not rare.

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