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Identity and national belonging in Norwegian rap duo Karpe's music.

What is it about?

In this article, I analyse how processes of identity formation are expressed in the lyrics of the Norwegian rap duo Karpe. Through their music, the duo brings to light their experiences of growing up in Norway with a multicultural background. In doing so, they not only outwardly denounce processes of social exclusion, but also send a clear message to their audience: the definition of what it means to be Norwegian needs to be broadened and new forms of belonging should be normalised so that ethnic minorities can embrace their multicultural backgrounds without fearing that this will compromise their perceived belonging to the national community.

Why is it important?

That rap music is popular is not surprising in itself. What is astonishing, however, is that such explicitly political lyrics with a high degree of self-reflexivity are so well received by a broad audience composed of immigrants and non-immigrants alike. Karpe's incredible success with the Norwegian public, which enables them to convey ideas of political significance across groups, makes the analysis of their music of mainstream interest. By using rap lyrics as an object of analysis, I also emphasise the merits of cultural expressions as a means of learning about how social phenomena are experienced and understood on the ground.

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Juliette Saetre
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