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Teaching trend forecasting research within the curriculum, to aid sustainable mindsets in students

What is it about?

The fashion and textile industry is under pressure to change and move away from unethical and unsustainable practices, towards one that is less damaging and reduces its effects on the natural world. One way to achieve this is through education, how can we ensure students learn strategies and skills, whilst developing sustainable mindsets, in order to bring change into the fashion industry? Having taught sustainability within various modules on a fashion business degree in the United Kingdom, it was observed that a significant number of students engaged at a deeper level with sustainable thinking when learning trends forecasting research. A pilot study was trialled when teaching a short course in India with a small group of interdisciplinary design students and a questionnaire was conducted after the workshop. This article presents findings from this cross-cultural experience, with suggestions for future projects and educational approaches. This article presents findings and reflections of this cross-cultural experience, with suggestions for future projects and educational approaches.

Why is it important?

it is important to develop sustainable mindsets and encourage broad cross-disciplinary research skills within the curriculum if we are to create more sustainable futures within industry. Trends forecasting research engages students to research and think holistically about some of the larger issues we face both locally as well as globally, as well as consider potential solutions.

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Caroline Raybould
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