The Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model of supported employment has an employment rate of approximately 55% for individuals with serious mental illness. A randomized controlled trial found that IPS clients with sustained unemployment (after three months of IPS services) had better employment outcomes after using Virtual Reality Job Interview Training (VR-JIT; a computerized job interview simulator with automated feedback) as compared to IPS clients (with sustained unemployment) who continued their IPS services as usual. During the aforementioned randomized controlled trial, the research team concurrently evaluated the initial implementation process outcomes associated with VR-JIT delivery. Specifically, the research team conducted a series of quantitative surveys, focus groups, and semi-structured interviews among IPS staff and VR-JIT implementers and recipients to evaluate the feasibility, acceptability, usability, and barriers and facilitators of VR-JIT delivery. Study results suggest IPS staff reported VR-JIT to be highly acceptable, appropriate, feasible to deliver and enhanced their delivery of services. Interviews with VR-JIT recipients provided depth to their survey results that VR-JIT was highly acceptable.