This paper presents a paradigm shift in suicide prevention to one that is recovery-based. It is very hard to find the term “recovery” in the suicide prevention literature. For example, that term does not appear anywhere on the AFSP web pages. The current paradigm for suicide prevention is case identification, crisis management, and stabilization. The latter can include brief interventions, such as case management to help with transitions in care, medications (including esketamine), brief therapies, safety planning, or follow-up telephone calls. These can all be helpful interventions over the short-term, but the problem with this paradigm is that patients go into crisis after crisis, with high rehospitalization rates, and many cases eventually end in completed suicide. A remarkable statistic is that the PHRP has not had a single completed suicide of a patient entering the program over the 4 years of the PHRP’s existence despite have had over 400 new intakes of patients at high risk of suicide since inception.