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Catatonia might be not adequately detected or treated in the general hospital

What is it about?

Catatonia is a frequent syndrome in medically ill patients, and thus seen frequently in the general hospital. This study reviewed charts from a general hospital and found that a significant amount of cases meeting criteria for catatonia were never diagnosed. Also, some catatonia signs might be related to lack of detection of catatonia more than others, and lack of detection was associated with lower doses of the effective treatment. Psychiatry consultation increased tremendously the likelihood of adequate detection of catatonia.

Why is it important?

This is the first study that demonstrates possible lack of adequate diagnosis of catatonia in the general hospital and what factors might contribute to it. This study might help increase awareness of catatonia in the general hospital.

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The following have contributed to this page:
Joan Roig Llesuy and Michel Medina
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