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American Media Coverage of US-Pakistan Relations

What is it about?

The article investigates the coverage of the United States and Pakistan relations in the mainstream American newspapers. The study is based on the content analysis of the two American newspapers "The New York Times" and the "USA Today during the year 2012-13. Although the United States and Pakistan have been political international ally for the last seven decades, the history of the bilateral relations is full of doubts and mistrusts that can easily be seen in the results of this study. The results show that the American newspapers gave a highly negative image of Pakistan especially regarding the issue of terrorism and mutual cooperation.

Why is it important?

The relations of the two countries (Pakistan and US) are highly significant for the whole Globe because these relations directly or indirectly affect the world's politics. Both countries have been strong ally during the war against terrorism in the last 16 years but still there is an acute lack of trust between their governments as well as their public. The image studies have become highly significant because they set the public agenda and the audience opinion is shaped by the media coverage. The negative coverage of Pakistan might have created a negative image of Pakistan among American citizens.

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Saqib Riaz
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