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In chiral thiocarbamates was studied how small atomic substitutions affect structure and morphology.

What is it about?

Chiral model compounds were created from reacting potential protein-docking capable chiral 2-butanol with poisonous isothiocyanates to form thiocarbamates combining the properties of both and forcing the new compound to inherit the chirality of the alcohol. Specifically, left-handed (S)-butan-2-yl-N-(4-x-phenyl)thiocarbamates were synthesized, where x = NO2, OCH3, F, and Cl. The different substitutions on the 4-x location cause a variety of supramolecular differences which affect crystal packing, crystallographic axes lengths and crystal morphology, however in all studied cases the space group is P2(1), and two molecules combine to form hydrogen bonded dimers in form of S-C-N-H..S-C-N-H.. closed ring synthons.

Why is it important?

Similar thiocarbamates have been investigated previously for their biological activities as potential drugs.

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Werner Kaminsky
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