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ProSPyX a software for post-processing images of X-ray ptychography with spectral capabilities

What is it about?

ProSPyX is a graphical user interface (GUI) to process the spectral ptychography dataset. The software facilitates extracting absorption and phase spectral information from spectral ptychographic datasets. It also saves the spectra in file formats compatible with other X-ray absorption spectroscopy data analysis software tools, streamlining integration into existing spectroscopic data analysis pipelines.

Why is it important?

Developing software for post-processing X-ray spectral ptychography is essential for several reasons. Firstly, software can make the post-processing process easier and quicker, leading to high-resolution images. Secondly, it can perform complex calculations and data analysis more accurately and consistently, producing reliable results. Finally, the software can be shared and used by multiple researchers, facilitating the sharing of data and results across institutions. Currently, to the best of our knowledge, there is no software that offers a complete post-processing pipeline, which is why we are introducing ProSPyX.

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