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Signal and noise of time-resolved x-ray scattering data can be simulated to aid the experiment.

What is it about?

Real experimental data always contain inevitable noise. Estimating the noise level with respect to the signal level is important. Beamtimes at x-ray facilities such as x-ray free electrons lasers are precious. If one can simulate the expected signal and noise levels of a target experimental system, it would greatly aid in preparing for better beamtime proposals and experiments. Eventually, this ability will allow for using the beamtime as efficiently as possible.

Why is it important?

Our program (SCube) allows for simulating the noise as well as the signal of time-resolved x-ray solution scattering (liquidography) data. Simulating the signal is already well developed because it is required for extracting structural information by fitting the calculated data to the experimental data. However, estimating the noise itself is seldom performed. Our work fills in this gap.

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Hyotcherl Ihee
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