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Get the FEL Pulse Duration with a statistical Evaluation-Tool for Photon Spectra

What is it about?

We introduce a software tool that evaluates the spectra of a Free-Electron-Laser as they are recorded and calculates an estimation for the current average photon pulse duration (femtoseconds; averaged over the last few hundred shots).

Why is it important?

Measurement of FEL photon pulse duration is often unavailable or linked to a large experimental effort. Not so the here introduced tool. It can estimate the photon pulse duration whenever high-resolution spectra are recorded, which are at FLASH routinely available at the PG2 beamline. Our spectra-evaluation can help to get an idea of the pulse duration and its fluctuations on a minute-timescale during the experiment. The also available, more in-dept offline statistical-spectral-analysis further provides several common statistical information on previously recorded spectra.

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The following have contributed to this page:
Robin Engel
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