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     margin-left: 10px;  }  @media (max-width: 600px) {    .kudos-widget .kudos-widget-article .kudos-box-with-avatar > ul > li.group-of-authors {      background-image:none!important;      background-size:0 0;      padding-left:10px;      min-height:0;    }  }</style><div class="kudos-widget ng-non-bindable" ngNonBindable>   <div class="kudos-widget-article">    <div class="kudos-widget-intro-and-logo">      <a target="_blank" href="https://www.growkudos.com/"><img src="https://api.growkudos.com/logo" alt="Kudos Logo" class="kudos-widget-article-logo-img"/></a>    </div>    <div>      <h1 class="kudos-article-title">        Crystal centering in a diamond anvil cell (DAC) for diffraction experiments      </h1>    </div>          <div class="kudos-box kudos-box-with-avatar">        <h3>What is it about?</h3>          <div class="wrap-words">            <p class="preserve-line-breaks">A new, accurate and fast optical alignment method of crystals/samples placed in a diamond anvil cell (DAC) has been developed. Other advantages of this method are simplicity and instant visual feedback when aligning the crystal. This method employs Snell’s law, which relates the angles of incidence and refraction of light passing through different media to estimate the crystal position within the DAC by measuring the apparent transverse displacement of the crystal image at various viewing angles .</p>          </div>      </div>              <div class="kudos-box kudos-box-with-avatar">        <h3>          Why is it important?        </h3>          <div class="wrap-words">            <p class="preserve-line-breaks">The novelty of our approach lies in its reliance on purely optical centering methods, rather than diffraction or absorption techniques. we have confirmed its exceptional efficiency and accuracy, as shown by the consistently low Rint values and high-quality data refinement parameters achieved. This method provides significant safety advantages when working with X-ray and synchrotron sources. It eliminates the need to remove the beam stop and expose the DAC to the primary beam to check the position of the gasket hole or the internal highly absorbing very small crystal for alignment with the detector, reducing the risk of damage to the instrument and potential harm to the user.</p>          </div>        </div>                      <div class="kudos-widget-article-readmore-btn-container">        <a class="btn btn-md btn-block blue-background" target="_blank" href="https://www.growkudos.com/articles/10.1107/s1600576724012500?utm_medium=widget&amp;utm_source=publication-widget">Read more on Kudos&hellip;</a>      </div>            <div class="with-bottom-small-margin">        <div class="inline-block">          The following have contributed to this page:        </div>        <div class="inline-block">          Eduard Rusanov        </div>      </div>  </div></div>' ,"url"));