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Shape2SAS - a web application for easily simulating small-angle scattering data from various shapes

What is it about?

Shape2SAS is a web application, where users can simulate small-angle scattering from various shapes such as spheres, cylinders or ellipsoids. The shapes can also be combined to form more complex structures, e.g. dumbbells or spheres covered with smaller spheres. The results appear quickly and can be downloaded for further analysis. Thus, Shape2SAS is useful for teaching, in tutorials, or for testing ideas.

Why is it important?

Small-angle scattering is a great tool for probing the structure of materials ranging from around 10 to hundreds of nanometers. This may be soft matter, including proteins and protein-lipid particles and polymers, or it may be harder materials, such as nanoparticles. However, small-angle scattering data is not easily interpreted, since it is measured in so-called reciprocal space. Shape2SAS provide an easily accessible platform for building intuition about small-angle scattering, such that this experimental tool can be successfully applied and the data correctly interpreted.

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The following have contributed to this page:
Andreas Haahr Larsen
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