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Quick and robust PDF data acquisition using a laboratory single-crystal X-ray diffractometer

What is it about?

Pair Distribution Function (PDF) analysis is a universal technique for revealing the atomic structure of solids (whether crystalline or amorphous) and even liquids. Although it has gained recognition over the past decade, this method is still limited to a narrow range of applications since it requires specialized setups, such as dedicated beamlines of syncrotrons or neutron reactors. We have developed a technique and software to acquire a respectable PDF domestically by using single-crystal diffractometers, which are available in any crystallographic laboratory.

Why is it important?

The discovery of X-ray diffraction and the development of X-ray analysis made it feasible to investigate the structure of crystalline materials. If the substance is not crystalline, what then? We have provided the scientific community with a free tool to appreciate the potential of the PDF analysis for solving their specific problems right in the laboratory without any barriers.

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Dmitry Tsymbarenko
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