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The incommensurate structure of K[3]In(PO[4])[2]

What is it about?

The origin of the modulation relates to the ordering of K cations within the hexagonal close packing of the PO[4] anions. The driving forces for the modulation of the other cations are In-P and K-P interactions. The modulation of O atoms of rigid PO[4] units follows the cations in order to stabilize the InO[6] octahedron.

Why is it important?

The origin of the modulation is discussed in comparison with the structures of Na[3]InP[2], [alpha]- and [beta]-Na[3]In(PO[4])[2], Na[3]Fe(PO[4])[2] and Rb[3]In(PO[4])[2].

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Andreas Schönleber
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