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This describes a platform-independent program for powder diffraction analysis and graphics

What is it about?

CMPR (https://subversion.xray.aps.anl.gov/trac/CMPR/wiki) was written to view powder data diffraction data from multiple sources; view data in many ways and to do many types of computations such as superimposing reflection positions, autoindexing, peak fitting etc. It runs only under a very old version of Tcl/Tk and requires the BLT package.

Why is it important?

CMPR was widely used at a number of beamlines and was quite convenient and powerful. However, it has not been updated in over a decade and will not run, at least easily, on Macs and Linux. It probably does run on Windows, but for how long that will be true is not clear.

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The following have contributed to this page:
Brian Toby
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