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Traditional and interactive post-editing effects on user experience, quality, and productivity

What is it about?

We analyse the effects of traditional post-editing and interactive post-editing on Machine Translation User Experience (MTUX), quality and productivity. Fifteen professional translators interacted with these two post-editing modalities and completed a User Experience (UX) questionnaire. In addition, their translation time and quality were tracked and assessed. Results show that the novel interactive post-editing modality may be a very promising workflow to introduce in the language services industry, not only in terms of productivity, but most importantly in terms of MTUX.

Why is it important?

Interactive post-editing is a more human-centric post-editing modality that makes users interacting with MT less reluctant to use MT and language technologies. We consider this may be a more sustainable workflow for the automation age.

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The following have contributed to this page:
Sharon O'Brien and Vicent Briva Iglesias
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