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Ethnographic research into academic writing requires participation, research reflexivity and ethics

What is it about?

This book illustrates the use of ethnography as an analytical approach to investigate academic writing, and provides critical insights into how academic writing research can benefit from the use of ethnographic methods. It discusses ethnography-related concepts like thick description, deep theorizing, participatory research, research reflexivity or ethics against the affordances of ethnography for the study of academic writing.

Why is it important?

The book is key reading for scholars, researchers and instructors in the areas of applied linguistics, academic writing, academic literacies and genre studies. It will also be useful to those lecturers and postgraduate students working in English for Academic Purposes and disciplinary writing. The chapters in the book contain clear pointers about how ethnographically-oriented researchers should go about incorporating the telling of the inside story into their traditional main role as observers.

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The following have contributed to this page:
IGNACIO GUILLEN-GALVE and Ana Bocanegra-Valle
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