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What is it about?

In this article we analyse eight motion verbs and their (35) collocations as represented in a corpus about adventure tourism. Additionally, we perform a semantic analysis of these collocations to know which are the semantic roles involved. The results deal with four main aspects: (1) the meanings of the verbs selected, (2) the most recurrent type of collocation, (3) the relation between collocation production and collocation strength, (4) the relation between the collocates and the argument structure of the verbs. All in all, this paper offers accurate information about the phraseological realm of the language of adventure tourism and proves the specialisation of this domain.

Why is it important?

This work is very relevant in the field of specialised languages because it contributes to the characterisation of the language used in adventure tourism.

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The following have contributed to this page:
Isabel Duran and Eva Lucia Jimenez-Navarro
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