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Linguistic features of the Dongxiang language

What is it about?

Dongxiang is a Mongolic language spoken in south Gansu in China. It has been isolated from other Mongolic languages and in contact with different Chinese dialects, including Linxia. Hence, it has kept archaic features from Middle Mongolian and developed other non-Mongolic features. This paper describes the evolution and development of possessive-reflexive markers in Dongxiang.

Why is it important?

Dongxiang is an under-described language compared to other Mongolic languages and features unique characteristics induced by contact with Chinese dialects. Under mutual influence, a) the reflexive-possessive Marker nugvun in Dongxiang has developed into what could be identified with a pronoun and is used independently b) the pronoun gejia in Linxia has developed into a possessive-reflexive marker.

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