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A comparative study of the cultural classification of personal names in Mabia languages.

What is it about?

This paper is a comparative study of names and naming practices among speakers of Dagbani, Kusaal, Likpakpaanl and Sɩsaalɩ. We discuss in detail the ceremonies that accompany the naming of a newborn among speakers of these languages. By using the framework of ethnopragmatics, the study explores the culture-internal dynamics of personal names by comparing the typology of names in the four languages. It draws attention to the fact that personal names are not given randomly but rather influenced by the special circumstances surrounding the birth of the name bearer and also by the advice of a diviner.

Why is it important?

This study reveals how culture is crafted through language and transmitted from one generation to the other through personal names. It is also observed that speakers of these languages have a common perception or worldview evident in their traditional cultural practices.

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The following have contributed to this page:
Hasiyatu Abubakari, SAMUEL OWOAHENE ACHEAMPONG, Samuel Alhassan Issah, and Moses Dramani Luri
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