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Aristotelian science and believe in 15th century

What is it about?

The anonymous commentary to the condemnation list of 219 articles condemning the Parisian bishop Etienne Tempier in 1277 originate in the first half of the fifteenth century, probably between 1418 and 1454. A comprehensive study of the text provides a detailed examination of the manuscripts containing the anonymous commentary. The provenance of the manuscripts and accompanying texts are examined, as well, as are the writer’s notes and several additional condemnation lists. These authorities are utilized in an attempt at creating an educational profile of the anonymous writer. On the basis of a citation or a larger analogy from one section of the Capitulum de Universali Reali by John of Nova Domo, the text can be seen to originate in the environment of this Parisian Master. An appendix offers the first part of this Capitulum de universali reali, augmented by variants of certain other manuscripts. Furthermore, the study classifies the teaching and viewpoints of the anonymous commentary concerning issues such as separated substances, the so-called “double truth theory,” Aristotelianism and Averroism, restriction of recognition, potentia absoluta / ordinata theory, Neoplatonism, and the validity of the condemnation according to the philosophical and theological thinking of the time. The first edition of the text lists all variants of the seven manuscripts. Another apparatus notes the authorities and provides a doxographic explanation on some of the commentaries. An index auctoritatum et nominum completes the volume.

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Henrik Wels
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