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Review of Simplicius the Neoplatonist in light of contemporary research, by Ilsetraut Hadot

What is it about?

ARTICLE OUTLINE A. Biography (p. 11–112) a. Simplicius’ refutation of Manichaeism b. Simplicius’ observation on the river Ḫābūr c. Simplicius’ reference to the goddess Atargatis d. Simplicius’ reference to the four calendars in use in Ḥarrān e. Aṯā-Wālīs as the addressee of In De anima f. Al-Masˁūdī on his visit to Ḥarrān B. The surviving works (except In Phys. and In De cael.) (p. 113–225) I. The commentary on Epictetus’ Encheiridion (p. 124–153) II. The commentary on Aristotle’s De anima (p. 153–194) III. The commentary on Aristotle’s Categories (p. 194–225) C. Lost and partially lost works (p. 226–239) Simplicius’ Commentary on the first book of Euclid’s Elements Lost works 1. A commentary on a dialogue of Plato 2. The Epitome of Theophrastus’ Physics 3. The commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics 4. A commentary on three books on Pythagoreanism by Iamblichus 5. A commentary on Aristotle’s Meteorology 6. A commentary on Hermogenes’ Art of Rhetoric 7. A treatise on the three figures of syllogisms (?) False atributions a. A commentary on Aristotle’s Sophistici elenchi b. A work on medicine D. Epilogue (p. 240–242) Bibliography (p. 243–262) Notes Article language: Spanish

Why is it important?

Based on an independent bibliography and some literary sources that Hadot did not take into account, some of her opinions are corroborated while others are refuted. In addition, Hadot's views are complemented with other conjectures and hypotheses. Additional bibliography on Simplicius is added.

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Álvaro Fernández Fernández
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