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A model to support the development of AAC clinical competence

What is it about?

This article summarized the current evidence about clinical education in AAC and utilized this information to present a collaborative model of AAC clinical education. There is a great need for improved preservice education in AAC. The model in this article outlined the progression of AAC clinical skill acquisition and provided concrete strategies for the development of clinical competence at each stage. Case examples were used to illustrate the application of this model in practice.

Why is it important?

There is a pressing need for improved training in the delivery of AAC services by speech-language pathologists. To date, the field provides limited guidance to support clinical instruction in AAC, particularly at the preservice level. Yet, AAC users are amongst the most challenging to serve and it is important that professionals are confident and competent in their services. Hence, this collaborative model aims to fill this gap.

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The following have contributed to this page:
Savanna Brittlebank
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